Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Hey, if you are interested in buying Guerilla Apologetics for Catholics (see review below) and/or Guerilla Apologetics for Life Issues (ah... the review isn't posted yet, but should be above this posting soon), you may get them at:

Amazon's site -
R.A.G.E. Media's site -

They are a great value - lots of info, plus each include a recommended resources section at the end - so get a few for your friends, too! Peace. ~~~mary

Guerrilla Apologetics for Catholics

Guerrilla Apologetics for Catholics - that's the title of a book which I recently read. What a title!
What an image -- crucifix wearing, camo-clad people darting out from behind trees shouting, "Sorry!," as they dive, roll and dart behind another tree. Hmmm...
Well, that doesn't have anything to do with the book.
Apologetics is a matter of defending faith. Guerrilla Apologetics for Catholics is author Paul E. Nowak's treatise for how Catholics should approach situations that have often been a matter of fruitlessly defending our faith. We all know that becoming angered by incorrect harsh assertions about the Church (you do know that Catholics aren't Christians, right?) ultimately serves no purpose. A defensive stance in a discussion is a weak position. Nowak advocates taking the offensive position in the discussion so as to develop a genuine conversation.
Throughout the book, the author presents and discusses contentious topics to be brought up Catholics when engaged by evangelical Christians intend upon the Catholics the "error" of their ways. By being prepared to question the questioner, who believes they are posing loaded questions, Catholics may in fact diffuse the minefield laid by wrong thinking tract writers who have misinformed those well intentions individuals.
The only thing in this book with which I had a problem - and it wasn't really a problem, more of an uneasiness - was the fact that Nowak says in more than one place that our personal relationships with the people involved in the discourse is more important than "winning a debate." On the surface I agree with that, but, if it is a matter of Truth (note the capital T), I do believe that we should not let erroneous information about the Church/God/Jesus/et. al. go unanswered. Throwing someone on the ground and not letting them up until they repeat the Truth isn't acceptable, but there is middle ground between that and leaving things unsaid for the sake of friendship - otherwise, what kind of friendship do we have if we can't state that which we believe to be true?!? We are to spread the good news, not hide it for the sake of false friendships.
Paul Nowak wrote another "Guerrilla" book that I'll tell you about later. Peace.