Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Just the same old same old me

Okay. This is the Tuesday after Easter. What did I gain, from this Lenten exercise? Have I become a better Christian? Did I learn to put myself aside? Did any epiphanies result? Nope.
I experienced the same level of frustration in my life. I argued. I was me. Flawed. I knew that before I began and am very much aware of it now. All I did was record it. And because of the pain, I didn't even record it every day.
Today I dealt with someone who has mightily proclaimed her desire for an elevated spiritual life. Should that not be the type of person with whom I should have untroubled exchanges? I mean she wants to be a saint. That fall in line with what we should all desire. But she drives me crazy!!!!!!! I find myself wanting to tell her what I think of her judgments, materialism, gossip and general lunacy. How is that right?!?!?! It isn't and I so try to not be that way. In fact, when I deal with her, I look at how she is and wonder if my difficulty with her is that I am committing a sin of being scrupulous. I wonder that. I don't really know to what degree someone's actions/attitudes must be "scrupulous" for the actions/attitudes to be sinful - so I then wonder about that. Then I wonder how I could imagine that I could ever wonder about falling into a situation of overzealousness - kind of laugh to myself - then go back to nearly disliking this person. I don't get how someone can so talk a good talk yet seem to embody that which she says she disdains. Gossip, ohhhh how she loathes gossip. She will note that she doesn't want to gossip - she doesn't want to have to go to confession for gossiping. Then, in a hushed stereotypically gossipy tone, she will say something about someone - something that serves no good. I feel I'm quite liberal as to my definition of conversational information - as opposed to gossip. If saying something does some good - even if is just that it lets you blow off steam - I don't consider it gossip. But if you are whispering to me that a neighbor left her family when we aren't on any subject, before or after you say that, related to that information, then I call that gossip. And wonder what compelled you to tell me, conspiratorially, that little tidbit.
Okay - am I any better of a person? Sure doesn't seem that way.
Jesus sweat blood. Peace.

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