Monday, April 2, 2007

Making Memories. Or Not.

The Chrism Mass was this evening. Did I remember before seeing mention of it just now as I paged down the blog trying to figure out what I should write tonight? Weeeellllll... No. Guess that means that I'll just have to look forward to next year being the first year I attend one. In reality, in the shape I'm in right now, I shouldn't have gone anyway.
I need to find the right time to talk to Scott about how he feels about my lack of memory. The reason I say that is because he seemed somewhat frightened today when he asked me why I didn't remember a decision I had made 15 minutes before I said something that made it apparent that I didn't remember the decision. He knows as much about my memory situation as I do, yet I think this time - the small amount of time between one thing and the other - kind of knocked him off balance. He has always done really well with my limitations, but the incongruity of a seemingly intelligent person losing recollection of something so quickly seemed to get him. If it would have been 2 hours, he very well may have just chalked it up to the MD and moved on. The fact that the decision was a parenting related one may have heightened his anxiety too. If the person in charge doesn't have a firm grasp on things, maybe that would make a kid's world a little wobbly. Then again, I may be reading too much in to it. The only way to find out is to talk to him. I must remember to do that. I must remember to do that. I must remember to do that. I must... Oh, shoot. What was it that I was gonna do? Peace.

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