Monday, February 26, 2007

Blah, Blah, Blogging

What do I have to write?
I have nothing worth saying.
Since this is a Lenten chore, perhaps I should try to focus on something holy, religious, spiritual or, at the very least, nice.
Let's see. Well...
As I look on my computer desk I see seven statues: the Last Supper, St. Padre Pio, St. Martin De Porres, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady of Grace, the Infant of Prague and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Holy cards and family pictures cover the windows of the upper door. A finger rosary on a cord dangles from that door's knob along with an organza bag that contains religious medals from around the world. Other objects on the desk are: a crucifix, an etched glass cube of Pope John Paul II, a monstrance pin, a bottle of holy water, a "Pray, Hope and Don't Worry" bi-stand, five religious medals, a bas relief of the Blessed Mother holding the infant Jesus, a framed Divine Mercy picture, and a photo of lit votive candles. As for books - a Bible,The Seven Story Mountain, The Divine Mercy Diary, Praying in the Presence of our Lord with Padre Pio, and Wisdom of the Desert.
My son once told me that if anyone came to our house and looked around that they'd be able to tell that we are Catholic. After doing that inventory of the computer desk surface, I'm thinking that they wouldn't have to do too much looking to figure that one out. Even though it may sound like the computer desk has been set up as a mini-shrine or something, it really doesn't look that way. All of those things are mingled with CDs, framed family photos, coupons, medication, bills, address labels, a cup of filled with pens & pencils, another holding spare change - there is even a container of dental floss (I must remember to put that away). In a way, the computer desk could be said to be a metaphor for my life - a conglomeration of many things. My life is about God, family, and the mundane things of everyday. Like the dental floss, not all of it is in it's proper place, but one day I hope it will be. Peace.

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