Saturday, March 24, 2007

Happy New Age Tree-Hugging Anti-Establishment Self-Actualizing Feet

Oy, what a movie we did see tonight! Happy Feet. It seemed like it was made to prove that it is possible to make a movie which promotes all the liberal agendas. It starts with stay at home fathers who take care of the babies while the mothers go to work. Differences are good but the establishment dislikes things against the status quo for no other reason than they are outside of the norm. God is a threat used to subdue the masses - fire and brimstone to keep people in line. To be a religious follower is to be a mindless religious follower. Subtle homosexuality is present - such as one male character asserting that another likes an extended hug and that it is okay to feel that way. People are raping the world of natural resource and polluting what is left behind. Positive change is accomplished by breaking free of societal convention and doing what makes you happy. It was definite overkill - just like clubbing an already dead baby seal, but for a good reason. Of course. Peace.

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