Monday, March 12, 2007

Christmas Springs to Mind

Today I am going to use this color to celebrate the beautiful spring like day we enjoyed in our area. For about two hours this afternoon, the outdoor temperature was absolutely glorious. During that time, on and off, I sat outside painting.
Before you begin imagining a more idyllic scene than it was, I should make it clear that I wasn't sitting before an easel as I composed yet another masterpiece. Instead, I was covering plywood with white paint. No artistic endeavor. Simply rudimentary slopping of wood with paint. Just the same, I had a good time.
That "slopping" resulted in my outdoor creche scene finally being protected from the elements! It had one less than adequate application of paint that got it through Christmastime, but wasn't going to carry it beyond that. But today, as I was wrapped in the warmth of the sun, Jesus, Mary and Joseph's silhouette received a few coated of love that will allow for that scene to grace our lawn for many a Christmas.
Okay, okay - it sounds mighty silly to speak of the Holy Family being coated with love... blah, blah, blah. But I am thrilled that I was able to do that today. For years I have wanted a tasteful outdoor creche scene to celebrate Christ's birth, but, amid all the crass commercialism of the season, it was a nearly impossible dream. So in December, I drew the silhouette on a piece of plywood, my husband it cut out with a jigsaw and then lightly coated it with spray paint. Voila! One Holy Family amid the neighborhood's blizzard of snowmen, sleighfuls of santas, and plethora, yes, plethora of penguins - please don't make me describe the amount reindeer. I love that we may now adorn our lawn with this most precious scene - I love it. In fact, I have actually considered keeping it out year round in the back of our property, as a reminder. I didn't consider it very long, but I did give the thought its very own moment. Peace.

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